11 Weird and Strange Fitness Equipment that Actually Works

If your running or weightlifting routine is getting a little old, you may want to try some weird fitness for a new challenge. In fact, incorporating some strange fitness into your program may support overall goals by targeting different muscle groups. This guide walks through 11 weird and strange fitness equipment (that actually work), so dive in and prepare to get weird!

Getting Creative With Fitness

Most of us do not relish the thought of spending hours in the gym lifting weights or running for endless hours on the treadmill, so there is a need to get creative in order to make fitness a lifelong pursuit. There have been some crazy contraptions invented in the name of fitness, and not all of them work as promised. How can you be sure that your money invested in every crazy contraption and weird fitness tool from ab wheels to elastic fitness ropes is money well spent?

Not to worry, fitness fanatic; the following list of fitness contraptions may look weird, but studies and results have shown them to work....and work well. Give them an honest try, and while you may laugh at yourself in the mirror, you might just find a few that promise as delivered, and you'll be staring back at a slim and svelte physique in no time. Here is our list of some truly weird and strange fitness devices that actually work:

Battling Ropes

Battling ropes have been steadily rising in popularity in the last few years; while many have only seen them in celebrity fitness reality shows, just a few swings with these strong and steady ropes will be proof that they actually work at toning your arms, upper body and core. Battling ropes are a great way to work on your cardiovascular strength while toning all parts of your body simultaneously.


  • Allows for full-body metabolic conditioning
  • Tones upper arms, shoulders, and core very effectively
  • Affordable and easy to implement into your fitness routine


  • Take up a fair amount of space
  • Too heavy for some to use
  • Can be hard on the hands

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Exercise Sliders

Depending on your movement, these exercise sliders have the potential to tone and tighten arms, shoulders, and abs. Use the thicker side for carpets, and the foam side for slick services to avoid injury. Mountain climbers, lunges, and reverse crunches are made more enjoyable for pennies on the dollar, as these little beauties have a low cost per pair. Pick some up, and see how creative you can get with your movement regime.


  • Easy to use; portable, and can be used almost anywhere
  • Can be used for a variety of exercises


  • Can cause injuries if they are not used correctly
  • Have to be cleaned on a regular basis to maintain their efficiency

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Ankle and Wrist Weights

Strapping weights to arms and legs might not be the most attractive look that you can sport during a workout, but it's a great way to get your fitness on at home. Increased weight resistance allows you to burn more calories, tighten and tone your problem areas, and even improve your cardiovascular fitness. Whether you add them to a walk, a HIIT session, or even on your bike, you'll increase your results and improve your fitness with every movement.


  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Builds bone density and strength


  • Possibility for injuries
  • Can irritate the skin around the ankles and wrists with excess sweating and friction

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Bike Desk

These are fast becoming all the rage for those of us with sedentary jobs and lifestyles, as there are no more excuses for not fitting in a workout. A bike desk or under-desk mobile bike is designed to be used while you are sitting, and even those days of pouring over contracts and correcting assignments from students can be active; moving you toward better health and fitness.


  • Low profile design makes it ideal for use under most desks
  • Adjustable modes keep workouts challenging and fun


  • Difficult for the upper body to remain completely still without stabilization
  • Clearance under the desk may be difficult for tall people

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Ab Wheel

At first glance, the ab wheel is not formidable, but the results that can be gained from its regular use are quite impressive. The reason that the ab roller wheel works so well is that it does not provide any type of stability except that which you give with your upper body and core.

The farther you roll out away from your feet and your knees, the more intense your workout will be. Be careful; you have to ease into movement with an ab wheel so as not to injure yourself.


  • Portable; can be taken and used almost anywhere
  • Relatively inexpensive


  • Can cause strain on the lower back
  • Uses no resistance other than the weight of your own body

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Foam Rollers

A smooth foam roller might not help you tighten, but it will do wonders for improving your flexibility, range of motion, and muscle tone. A few minutes of foam rolling over major muscle groups will reduce tension, help release toxins from muscles, and help you to reduce soreness and stiffness that could cause you to stop working out altogether. Particularly effective after strenuous workouts, a foam roller can save you hours of recovery time and put you on the path to ultimate health and fitness.

There are also vibrating foam rollers and rumble rollers if you are looking for a little extra for those particularly dense muscles that don't respond to the normal foal roll. It's not the same as a deep tissue massage, but it is as close as you can get on your own.

If you want to learn more, check out our
Top 11 best foam rollers and massage sticks article.


  • Stretches out tight muscles and ligaments
  • Helps make recovery time more efficient


  • Can be quite painful when you first start using one
  • Not ideal for those with limited mobility; you may need assistance to use

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Mini Trampoline

Studies prove that bouncing is an excellent way to drain the body's lymphatic system, which is a key player in strengthening your immune system. Incorporate some resistance bands for a great cardio/upper body workout while you're working on toning up your insides simultaneously.


  • Helps to improve bone mass and increase muscle strength
  • Improves cardiovascular health


  • Improper use can lead to injury
  • Increased liability issues if children use trampolines

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Pilates Ring

At first glance, this contraption does not seem to do anything; it's what you do with it that counts in the long run. Whether you want to tone muscles, improve flexibility, or improve posture, a Pilates ring can take yoga, pilates, and even dance workouts to the next level of fitness.


  • Good for overall strength
  • Helps to tone muscles and aids in inch loss


  • Not as many calories are burned with this type of workout
  • Must adhere to the precise, correct form to get results

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Balance Board

First concocted in Grandpa's garage with a plywood plank and an old volleyball, the balance board has evolved to become an effective tool that helps you work on balance, coordination, and core strength. An anti-fatigue wobble board creates an effect that forces you to work for several muscle groups simultaneously, improving balance, and coordination, and strengthening all muscles in the lower body and core.


  • Improves lower body strength and balance
  • Improves core fitness
  • Standing desk benefits


  • Balance boards are not ideas for kids and those with limited mobility
  • Can take a few days and a few falls to get the hang of it

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If you have a penchant for martial arts and kung fu movies, this piece of fitness equipment might just be for you. Known to create a smooth, easy-flowing resistance movement if done properly, it will tighten and tone arms and shoulders while giving your core a run for its money too. Just make sure you have enough room to swing it around!


  • Support and exercise tutorials are available online
  • Improves proprioception and balance


  • Can seem repetitive for some
  • An expensive system if you are only going to use it occasionally

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Kangaroo Jumps

Upon first glance, you might wonder what the inventor of this weird fitness tool was thinking----surely they can't be for EVERYONE. The Kangaroo jumps help revolutionize high-impact workouts, taking stress and strain off the joints and allowing even the most immobile to enjoy activities like running plyo, and boxing.

Careful---there is an element of balance involved in using kangaroo jumps, so go slow, ease into the activity until you are used to them, and incorporate supports if needed.

You'll enjoy getting more active while almost 80 percent of the shock to your joints is absorbed by these jumping wonders.


  • Reduces impact on the joints
  • Excellent for toning muscles in the lower body


  • Considered expensive
  • Difficult to get the sizing correct for comfort

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Weird fitness is more than just a fad, it's a great way to complement your other workout goals. From core strengthening for running... to aerobics, and weight lifting, there are a lot of options. It may even inspire you to create your own weird fitness product or program.


Top 11 Best Under Desk Bike Pedal and Elliptical Exercisers


Rev Up Your Routine: Exciting and Fun Cardio Workouts to Try at Home