Peloton Outdoor Running: A Comprehensive Guide

Peloton outdoor running

If you're looking for a way to take your running routine to the next level, Peloton Outdoor Running might be just what you need. Peloton, known for its popular indoor cycling classes, also offers a variety of outdoor running classes that can be accessed through its app. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned runner, there's a class for you.

Peloton Outdoor Running classes are led by experienced instructors who guide you through a variety of workouts, including endurance and interval runs, as well as music runs. These workouts range in difficulty from beginner to advanced, and can last anywhere from 10-75 minutes. One of the benefits of Peloton Outdoor Running is that you can do it anywhere, whether you're running in your neighborhood, on a trail, or in a park.

Key Takeaways

  • Peloton Outdoor Running offers a variety of workouts for runners of all levels.
  • The classes are led by experienced instructors and can be accessed through the Peloton app.
  • You can do Peloton Outdoor Running anywhere, making it a convenient and flexible way to improve your running routine.

Understanding Peloton Outdoor Running

Peloton Outdoor Running is a collection of over 400 audio-based running classes that are available in the Peloton Digital app. These classes are different from the typical Peloton workouts that you do on the bike or tread. In Peloton Outdoor Running, you don't track total output, speed, or distance. Instead, you focus on perceived exertion and follow the instructor's guidance.

Peloton Outdoor Running is designed to help you improve your running skills and endurance, whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner. The classes are led by world-class Peloton instructors who provide expert guidance and motivation to help you achieve your goals.

To access Peloton Outdoor Running, you need to have a Peloton Digital membership. You can sign up for Peloton Digital on the Peloton website, and then download the Peloton Digital app on your phone or tablet. Once you have the app, you can access Peloton Outdoor Running from anywhere, whether you're running outside or on a treadmill.

Peloton Outdoor Running classes are available in different formats, including interval runs, distance runs, and fun runs. Interval runs are designed to help you build endurance and improve your speed, while distance runs are designed to help you increase your mileage and endurance. Fun runs are more relaxed and focus on enjoying the run, rather than pushing yourself to the limit.

In conclusion, Peloton Outdoor Running is an excellent way to improve your running skills and endurance, whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner. With expert guidance from world-class Peloton instructors, you can achieve your running goals and enjoy the journey.

Getting Started with Peloton Outdoor Running

If you're new to Peloton Outdoor Running, you might be wondering how to get started. Fortunately, it's easy to get going with this popular workout option. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Download the Peloton App

The first step to using Peloton Outdoor Running is to download the Peloton app for iOS. Once you've downloaded the app, you'll need to create an account. You can sign up for a free trial to see if Peloton Outdoor Running is right for you.

Choose Your Pace

Peloton Outdoor Running classes are designed for runners of all levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, you can find a class that's right for you. When you're first getting started, it's a good idea to choose a class that matches your current fitness level. As you progress, you can increase the intensity of your workouts.

Join a Class

Once you've downloaded the Peloton app and chosen your pace, it's time to join a class. Peloton offers a variety of outdoor runs, including endurance, interval, and music runs. You can choose a class based on your fitness level, the length of the workout, or the type of music you want to listen to.

Follow the Instructor

During your Peloton Outdoor Running class, you'll be guided by a Peloton instructor. The instructor will provide audio cues to help you stay on track and reach your fitness goals. It's important to follow the instructor's cues and adjust your pace as needed.

You Can Run Outdoors

If you prefer to run outside, Peloton has a program called "You Can Run Outdoors" that lets you use the audio cues from Peloton Outdoor Running classes while running outside. This program is perfect for runners who want to enjoy the great outdoors while still getting the benefits of a guided workout.

By following these tips, you can get started with Peloton Outdoor Running and start reaching your fitness goals.

Peloton Outdoor Running Features

Peloton Outdoor Running is a feature that allows you to take your fitness routine outside. With Peloton Outdoor Running, you can enjoy the benefits of guided audio runs while exploring new running routes and taking in scenic views.

Audio Runs

Peloton Outdoor Running features audio runs that are led by Peloton instructors. These runs provide clear instructions on what to do and when to increase the intensity level. You can choose from a variety of classes that are tailored to different fitness levels and goals. The audio runs are designed to keep you motivated and engaged throughout your workout.

Running Classes

Peloton Outdoor Running offers a variety of running classes that are designed to help you reach your fitness goals. These classes range from beginner to advanced level, and they cover a wide range of topics, including endurance, speed, and hill training. You can choose from different class lengths, so you can fit your workout into your schedule.

Outdoor Workouts

Peloton Outdoor Running allows you to take your workout outside, so you can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine while you exercise. You can choose from a variety of running routes, so you can explore new areas and challenge yourself with different terrain. The outdoor workouts are designed to help you improve your overall fitness and endurance.

GPS and Distance Running

Peloton Outdoor Running features GPS tracking, which allows you to track your distance, pace, and route. This feature is great for distance runners who want to keep track of their progress and set new goals. You can see your stats in real-time, so you can adjust your pace and intensity level as needed.

Map and Running Route

Peloton Outdoor Running features a map that shows you your current location and running route. This feature is great for exploring new areas and finding new running routes. You can also see the leaderboard, which shows you how you stack up against other Peloton users who have completed the same route.

Just Work Out Feature

Peloton Outdoor Running also features a "Just Work Out" option, which allows you to start a workout without selecting a specific class or route. This feature is great for days when you just want to get outside and move your body without following a structured workout.

Overall, Peloton Outdoor Running is a great way to take your fitness routine outside and explore new running routes. With its audio runs, running classes, GPS tracking, and map features, Peloton Outdoor Running is a comprehensive fitness tool that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Peloton Instructors and Coaches

Peloton is famous for its talented and charismatic instructors and coaches who motivate and inspire users to achieve their fitness goals. The platform currently boasts a roster of over 40 world-class trainers who specialize in various disciplines such as running, cycling, strength training, yoga, and meditation. In this section, we will introduce you to some of the most popular Peloton instructors and coaches.

Matt Wilpers

Matt Wilpers is a Peloton veteran who has been with the company since 2014. He is known for his no-nonsense coaching style and his ability to push users to their limits. Matt is a former professional cyclist who has competed in the Tour de France and other prestigious races. He brings his wealth of experience and knowledge to his Peloton classes, which are known for their challenging yet rewarding nature.

Robin Arzon

Robin Arzon is a former lawyer turned Peloton superstar who has amassed a huge following thanks to her infectious energy and motivational speeches. She is known for her high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and running classes, which are designed to push users to their limits. Robin is also a published author and a popular speaker who has given talks at various events around the world.

Becs Gentry

Becs Gentry is a British-born Peloton coach who specializes in running and strength training. She is known for her upbeat personality and her ability to make users feel comfortable and confident. Becs is a former professional runner who has competed in various marathons and other races around the world. She brings her wealth of experience and knowledge to her Peloton classes, which are designed to help users improve their running form and endurance.

Jess Sims

Jess Sims is a Peloton coach who specializes in strength training and running. She is known for her high-energy classes and her ability to motivate users to achieve their fitness goals. Jess is a former college athlete who has competed in various track and field events. She brings her passion for fitness and her extensive knowledge to her Peloton classes, which are designed to help users build strength, endurance, and confidence.

Marcel Dinkins

Marcel Dinkins is a Peloton coach who specializes in running and strength training. She is known for her positive attitude and her ability to make users feel empowered and motivated. Marcel is a former college athlete who has competed in various track and field events. She brings her passion for fitness and her extensive knowledge to her Peloton classes, which are designed to help users improve their running form, build strength, and achieve their fitness goals.

Selena Samuela

Selena Samuela is a Peloton coach who specializes in cycling and strength training. She is known for her upbeat personality and her ability to make users feel comfortable and confident. Selena is a former professional rugby player who has competed in various international tournaments. She brings her passion for fitness and her extensive knowledge to her Peloton classes, which are designed to help users build strength, improve their cycling technique, and achieve their fitness goals.

Kirsten Ferguson

Kirsten Ferguson is a Peloton coach who specializes in running and strength training. She is known for her positive attitude and her ability to make users feel motivated and inspired. Kirsten is a former college athlete who has competed in various track and field events. She brings her passion for fitness and her extensive knowledge to her Peloton classes, which are designed to help users improve their running form, build strength, and achieve their fitness goals.

Peloton has a wide range of talented instructors and coaches who are dedicated to helping users achieve their fitness goals. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, there is a Peloton coach who can help you reach your full potential.

Types of Peloton Outdoor Runs

Peloton offers a variety of outdoor runs for Members, ranging from beginner to advanced in terms of difficulty, and anywhere from 10-75 minutes in terms of duration. Here are some of the types of Peloton outdoor runs you can expect:

Endurance Runs

Endurance runs are designed to help you build your endurance and increase your stamina. These runs are longer in duration and lower in intensity, allowing you to maintain a steady pace throughout the workout. They are perfect for those who want to improve their overall cardiovascular fitness.

Interval Runs

Interval runs are high-intensity workouts that alternate between periods of high-intensity effort and periods of rest or low-intensity effort. These runs are great for improving your speed, endurance, and overall fitness. Peloton offers a variety of interval runs, including HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) runs, which are designed to help you burn more calories in less time.

Tempo Runs

Tempo runs are designed to help you improve your running pace by focusing on maintaining a steady, challenging pace for an extended period of time. These runs are great for increasing your endurance and building your aerobic capacity.

Fun Runs

Fun runs are designed to be enjoyable and engaging, with a focus on having fun while getting a good workout in. These runs are perfect for those who want to improve their fitness while also enjoying the outdoors.


Cooldowns are designed to help you cool down and recover after a workout. These runs are lower in intensity and shorter in duration, allowing you to gradually slow down and bring your heart rate back to normal.

Whether you're looking to build endurance, improve your speed, or just have fun, Peloton has a variety of outdoor runs to choose from. So, grab your running shoes and get ready to hit the pavement!

Peloton Training Programs

Peloton offers a variety of training programs to help you achieve your fitness goals. These programs are designed to provide structure, motivation, and guidance to help you improve your running performance. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, there is a program that can help you reach your potential.

One of the most popular Peloton training programs is the 8-week running program. This program is designed to help you improve your running endurance and speed. It consists of a series of audio-guided runs that are tailored to your fitness level. The program includes a mix of interval training, tempo runs, and long runs to help you build endurance and speed. The program is designed to be challenging but achievable, and it is suitable for runners of all levels.

If you are training for a marathon, Peloton has a dedicated marathon training program. This program is designed to help you prepare for a marathon, whether it is your first or your fiftieth. The program includes a mix of audio-guided runs, strength training, and recovery workouts to help you build endurance, strength, and flexibility. The program is designed to be completed over 16 weeks and includes a variety of training plans to suit your fitness level and goals.

In addition to these programs, Peloton offers a variety of running classes that are designed to help you improve your running performance. These classes are led by experienced running coaches and are designed to be fun and challenging. The classes include a mix of interval training, hill workouts, and tempo runs to help you build endurance and speed.

Whether you are training for a marathon or just looking to improve your running performance, Peloton has a training program that can help you achieve your goals. With structured training plans, expert coaching, and a supportive community, Peloton can help you take your running to the next level.

Peloton Outdoor Running Tips

If you're looking to take your Peloton running workouts outside, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your outdoor runs.

Tip 1: Focus on Your Running Technique

One of the biggest differences between running on a Peloton Tread and running outdoors is the terrain. You'll encounter hills, uneven surfaces, and other challenges that you don't face on the Tread. To make the most of your outdoor runs, focus on your running technique. Keep your posture upright, engage your core, and try to land on the middle of your foot rather than your heel. This will help you maintain your form and avoid injury.

Tip 2: Pay Attention to Your Cadence

Cadence refers to the number of steps you take per minute. A higher cadence can help you run more efficiently and reduce the risk of injury. To improve your cadence, focus on taking shorter, quicker steps. You can also use a metronome app or a music app with a built-in beat to help you maintain a consistent cadence.

Tip 3: Use Your Arms

Your arms play an important role in your running form. They help you maintain balance and generate power. To make the most of your outdoor runs, focus on keeping your arms bent at a 90-degree angle and swinging them forward and back in a relaxed, natural motion. Avoid crossing them over your body or letting them swing too high or too low.

Tip 4: Stay Hydrated

Running outdoors can be more challenging than running on a treadmill, especially if you're not used to the terrain. Make sure to stay hydrated before, during, and after your runs. Bring a water bottle with you or plan your route so that you can stop at a water fountain or convenience store along the way.

Tip 5: Dress Appropriately

The weather can have a big impact on your outdoor runs. Make sure to dress appropriately for the conditions. Wear lightweight, breathable clothing in hot weather and warm, moisture-wicking layers in cold weather. Don't forget to wear sunscreen and a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your Peloton outdoor running workouts and enjoy the benefits of running in the great outdoors.

Peloton Outdoor Running Equipment

When it comes to Peloton outdoor running, you don't need a lot of equipment to get started. However, having the right gear can make a big difference in your overall experience. Here are a few items that you may want to consider:

Running Shoes

The most important piece of equipment for any runner is a good pair of running shoes. When selecting a pair of shoes, make sure they are comfortable, fit well, and provide adequate support. You may also want to consider shoes with good traction if you plan on running on uneven or slippery terrain.

Heart Rate Monitor

A heart rate monitor can help you track your intensity level during your Peloton outdoor runs. This can be especially helpful if you are training for a specific goal or want to make sure you are staying within a certain heart rate range. There are many different types of heart rate monitors available, from basic models to more advanced ones that sync with your phone or watch.

Apple Watch

If you already own an Apple Watch, you can use it to track your Peloton outdoor runs. The Peloton app is compatible with the Apple Watch, so you can see your stats and progress right on your wrist. This can be a convenient way to stay motivated and track your progress over time.


While Peloton outdoor running is designed to be done outside, there may be times when you need to run indoors. In these cases, a treadmill can be a good option. Peloton offers a variety of treadmill workouts that you can do from the comfort of your own home. If you do plan on using a treadmill, make sure it is sturdy and provides adequate cushioning to prevent injury.

Overall, the equipment you need for Peloton outdoor running is relatively minimal. With a good pair of shoes, a heart rate monitor, and perhaps an Apple Watch or treadmill, you can get started on your outdoor running journey.

Motivation and Energy in Peloton Outdoor Running

Peloton Outdoor Running offers a variety of guided workouts that can help you stay motivated and energized during your outdoor runs. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, the Peloton instructors can help you set and achieve your goals.

One way Peloton Outdoor Running keeps you motivated is through their badge system. As you complete more workouts, you'll earn badges that show off your accomplishments. These badges can be a great source of motivation, especially when you're feeling tired or unmotivated.

In addition to the badge system, Peloton Outdoor Running also offers a variety of goal-oriented workouts. You can choose from workouts that focus on distance, speed, endurance, or even hill training. By setting specific goals, you'll be more likely to stay motivated and focused during your runs.

Another way Peloton Outdoor Running helps you stay motivated is through their energetic and engaging instructors. The instructors provide clear instructions and encouragement throughout the workouts, helping you stay focused and energized. You can also choose from a variety of music-based workouts, which can help keep your energy levels up and make your runs more enjoyable.

Overall, Peloton Outdoor Running is a great way to stay motivated and energized during your outdoor runs. With their badge system, goal-oriented workouts, and engaging instructors, you'll be able to set and achieve your goals and stay motivated throughout your runs.

Music and Playlists in Peloton Outdoor Running

Music is an essential part of any workout, and Peloton outdoor running is no exception. With Peloton, you can enjoy a wide range of music and playlists to keep you motivated and energized throughout your run.

Peloton offers a variety of music genres, including pop, hip-hop, rock, country, and more. You can choose from curated playlists or create your own playlist based on your personal preferences. The playlists are updated regularly, so you can always find new and exciting music to listen to during your runs.

In addition to the curated playlists, Peloton also offers music-themed runs. These runs are designed to match the beat and tempo of the music, making it easier for you to stay on track and maintain your pace. Some of the music-themed runs include "Rock Run," "Hip Hop Run," and "Pop Run."

If you prefer to listen to your own music during your runs, Peloton has got you covered. You can easily connect your phone or other music device to your Peloton app and listen to your own music while still receiving audio guidance from the Peloton trainers.

Overall, music and playlists are an integral part of the Peloton outdoor running experience. Whether you prefer to listen to curated playlists or your own music, Peloton has something for everyone. So put on your headphones, choose your favorite playlist, and get ready to crush your next outdoor run!

Peloton Outdoor Running for Different Fitness Levels

Peloton Outdoor Running is a great way to get your daily dose of cardio while enjoying the great outdoors. Whether you're an experienced runner or just starting out, Peloton has classes for all fitness levels. Here's what you need to know to get started:

Beginner Level

If you're new to running or just getting back into it, start with Peloton's beginner running classes. These classes are designed to help you build endurance and improve your form. They typically include a mix of walking and running intervals, so you can gradually increase your intensity and distance over time.

Intermediate Level

Once you've built up some endurance, you can move on to Peloton's intermediate running classes. These classes are more challenging than the beginner level and will help you improve your speed and endurance. They may include longer running intervals and more advanced running drills to help you build strength and stamina.

Advanced Level

For experienced runners looking to take their training to the next level, Peloton offers advanced running classes. These classes are designed to push you to your limits and help you achieve your running goals. They may include high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and long-distance running drills to help you build endurance and speed.

Walking and Strength Classes

If running isn't your thing, Peloton also offers outdoor walking classes. These classes are a great way to get your daily dose of cardio without the impact of running. They may also include strength training exercises to help you build muscle and tone your body.

Bootcamp and Cardio Classes

For a full-body workout, try Peloton's outdoor bootcamp and cardio classes. These classes combine running or walking with bodyweight exercises to help you burn calories and build strength. They're a great way to mix up your outdoor workouts and challenge your body in new ways.

Peloton Outdoor Running is a great way to get fit and stay active. With classes for all fitness levels, you can find the perfect workout to help you achieve your goals. So grab your running shoes and hit the pavement – your body will thank you!

Tracking Performance in Peloton Outdoor Running

Peloton Outdoor Running is a great way to enjoy the open road while still receiving guidance from Peloton coaches. In addition to the audio instructions from the coaches, you can also track your performance using the GPS Tracking and Outdoor Metrics features available on iOS. These features provide valuable information about your running performance, allowing you to track your current goals and keep running towards your next.

GPS Tracking

GPS Tracking allows you to track your distance, pace, and route during your outdoor run. This feature uses your phone's GPS to map your route and provide you with real-time updates on your distance and pace. By tracking your distance, you can easily set distance-based goals and track your progress towards those goals.

Outdoor Metrics

Outdoor Metrics provide you with additional information about your running performance, including your heart rate, calories burned, and total time. By tracking your heart rate, you can monitor your intensity level and ensure that you're getting the most out of your workout. The Outdoor Metrics feature also provides you with recovery metrics, allowing you to track your recovery time and adjust your workout intensity accordingly.


Peloton Outdoor Running also offers HIIT Run classes, which are designed to help you improve your endurance, speed, and overall fitness. These classes include interval training, which alternates between periods of high-intensity running and recovery periods. By tracking your performance during these classes, you can monitor your progress and improve your overall fitness level.


In addition to tracking your performance, Peloton Outdoor Running also allows you to adjust the incline of your run. This feature allows you to simulate running uphill or downhill, providing you with a more challenging workout. By adjusting the incline of your run, you can target different muscle groups and improve your overall fitness level.

Overall, Peloton Outdoor Running provides you with a variety of tools to track your performance and improve your overall fitness level. By using the GPS Tracking and Outdoor Metrics features, you can monitor your progress and adjust your workout intensity accordingly. Additionally, the HIIT Run classes and incline feature provide you with a challenging workout that can help you improve your endurance, speed, and overall fitness level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a treadmill necessary for Peloton running?

No, a treadmill is not necessary for Peloton running. Peloton offers a variety of guided runs and scenic runs that can be done outdoors without any equipment. However, if you prefer to do indoor runs, a treadmill is recommended for the best experience. Peloton Tread workouts are designed specifically for use with the Peloton Tread machine, but some workouts can be done on a different treadmill as long as it has similar features and capabilities.

How can I download Peloton outdoor runs to my Apple Watch?

To download Peloton outdoor runs to your Apple Watch, you will need to have an active Peloton membership and an Apple Watch Series 3 or later. Once you have met these requirements, you can download the Peloton app on your iPhone and connect it to your Apple Watch. From there, you can select the outdoor run you want to download and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the download.

Can Peloton Tread workouts be done on a different treadmill?

Peloton Tread workouts are designed to be used with the Peloton Tread machine. However, some Peloton Tread workouts can be done on a different treadmill as long as the treadmill has similar features and capabilities. Before attempting to do a Peloton Tread workout on a different treadmill, it is important to review the workout requirements and ensure that your treadmill is compatible.

What are Peloton scenic runs?

Peloton scenic runs are virtual runs that take you on a journey through beautiful landscapes around the world. These runs are designed to provide you with a more immersive running experience by allowing you to explore different locations without leaving your home. Peloton scenic runs are available in both indoor and outdoor formats, and they can be customized to fit your fitness level and personal preferences.

What are Peloton guided runs?

Peloton guided runs are audio-based workouts designed to help you improve your running performance. These workouts are led by experienced Peloton trainers who provide guidance and motivation throughout the entire workout. Peloton guided runs are available in both indoor and outdoor formats, and they can be customized to fit your fitness level and personal preferences.

How does the Peloton running program work?

The Peloton running program is designed to help you improve your running performance by providing you with access to a variety of guided runs, scenic runs, and treadmill workouts. Peloton guided runs are audio-based workouts that are led by experienced Peloton trainers and can be customized to fit your fitness level and personal preferences. Peloton scenic runs are virtual runs that take you on a journey through beautiful landscapes around the world. Peloton treadmill workouts are designed to help you improve your running performance on a treadmill.


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