The Ultimate Kettlebell Ab Workout

What if we told you that you could build your abs quickly with minimal equipment while burning up to 400 calories in just 20 minutes? The truth is, having washboard abs is most people’s dream. However, this is hardly attainable by only performing bodyweight exercises.

In fact, using weights such as plates, dumbbells, or kettlebells is the best option if you aim to develop a well-chiseled abdomen, as they allow you to activate both the superficial and deep core, while also keeping your weight in check and boosting your overall health.

Kettlebells are a very common training tool, as they can be found in all gyms, and most people own one too. In this article, we will provide you with 5 total abs workouts that you can do at the gym or at home using just a couple of kettlebells.

Kettlebell Ab Exercises

A kettlebell can be used for many reasons and provide many benefits, and using them to lose belly fat or build abs and core strength quickly is very popular in the fitness world today. As a starter, you should begin your kettlebell exercise with a 10-15 pound kettlebell, as weight and frequency can be increased in the future once you become more experienced.

The exercises listed below as well as most kettlebell exercises can be performed as a circuit or individually at the end of a training session. For best results, aim to perform them a minimum of two to three times per week. 

However, before starting many kettlebell exercises, make sure to ensure with your doctor that you are fit for the type of kettlebell workouts that you want to perform. If you are a beginner, it may be helpful to seek professional training while learning the basics of kettlebell core exercises, such as the standard kettlebell swing, and before attempting any exercises yourself.

Also, remember to take it easy and listen to your body so you don't overwork yourself.

Standing Windmill

Core exercises don't need to be bodyweight-only, and this quick kettlebell abs workout proves that adding resistance to the mix can be a great way to challenge those all-important muscles.


  1. Start by standing upright with your feet hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell with your right hand.
  2. Move the kettlebell above your head by extending the arm with the palm facing forward.
  3. Holding the kettlebell up with the right arm extended, extend the left arm down and move it along the left leg by hinging at the hips. Make sure to keep your arms straight during this movement to maximize your results.
  4. Once you get to the maximum depth, slowly move your torso back to the starting position by engaging the core and maintaining the right arm extended above your head. This is one repetition. Repeat on both sides.
  5. This challenging exercise will help target the stabilizer muscles of your core and also help strengthen your shoulders and arms.

Reps and Sets

Perform 8-10 reps on each side for 4-5 sets

Russian Twists


  1. Start by sitting on the floor holding a kettlebell with both hands. Your knees should be bent and your feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. 
  2. Move the kettlebell to one side next to your hips by twisting the torso
  3. Maintaining eye contact with the kettlebell, twist your torso to swing the weight to the other side of your hips. This is one repetition.
  4. With this type of kettlebell ab exercise, you don't need to be doing it every single day to get abs.
  5. This kettlebell core workout helps you build both strength and stability in your rectus abdominis and your obliques through motions like rotating or flexing as well as through resisting movement.

Reps and Sets

Perform 12 repetitions for 4 sets

Sit-ups and Press


  1. Sit down with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor while holding a kettlebell with both hands.
  2. Lie down whilst holding the kettlebell against your chest
  3. Lift your torso to move onto a seated position while also extending your arms up to lift the kettlebell overhead
  4. Lower the kettlebell back to your chest
  5. Lie back down onto the starting position. This is one repetition

Reps and Sets

Perform 10-12 repetitions for 4 sets

Half-Turkish Get-ups


  1. This is another one of the more challenging kettlebell exercises that you can learn. Start by lying on one side, while holding a kettlebell in front of your chest with both hands.
  2. Move your back flat on the floor whilst also lifting the kettlebell above your face with your right hand, maintaining the arm fully extended. On the same side, keep the knee bent with your foot flat on the floor. On the left side of the body, extend the arm to the side and the leg down.
  3. Maintaining the right arm fully extended, use the right foot on the ground and the left elbow and hand to lift your trunk from the floor.
  4. Keeping the left leg extended, push through both legs and fully extend the left arm to lift your whole body from the floor.
  5. Sit back down, keeping a stable core with the same arm fully extended and grounded to the floor. 
  6. Bend the same elbow to lower your trunk back to the starting position. This is one repetition. Repeat on both sides.

Reps and Sets

Perform 6-8 repetitions on each side for 5 sets.

Elevated Renegade Rows

This exercise is usually aimed at working the arms and back. However, it is also a challenging core exercise and great alternative to training the abdominals as it requires the engagement of the entire core to maintain balance.


  1. Grab a kettlebell with each hand, ensuring they both are identical in shape and weight. Place them on the floor at a shoulder-width distance.
  2. Using the kettlebells as parallettes, place yourself in an extended plank position, ensuring the kettlebells’ handles are parallel to your body. 
  3. Keeping your core tight, legs straight, and your arms fully extended, bend one elbow back to lift the kettlebell up to your lats.
  4. Gently move the kettlebell back down. This is one repetition, repeat on both sides. 

Reps and Sets

Perform 10-12 repetitions on each side for 3-4 sets

Benefits Of Kettlebell Exercises

Here are a few more reasons for why kettlebells are a great option for many people looking to build abs and increase overall fitness.-

  • Kettlebell ab exercises offer a wide range of benefits that can help to improve core strength, balance, and stability. Kettlebells are a great tool for functional fitness since they mimic the type of movements we use in everyday life. When it comes to workouts targeted for abs, kettlebells provide more intensity than bodyweight exercises alone, as you can hold the weight and use it to add resistance.
  • They also help with posture and alignment, as the kettlebell is heavy enough to keep your body in proper form as you perform each exercise. This helps improve coordination and core strength, both of which are important for overall fitness. Plus, focusing on holding a weight helps to keep your core engaged throughout the workout.
  • You can use kettlebells to perform a variety of movements, meaning you can get in a killer workout with just a single kettlebell. A kettlebell ab workout usually involves multiple muscle groups, which requires a strong heart to pump blood to all the working muscles. Over time, this can improve your cardiorespiratory fitness.

  • Kettlebells can also be used for dynamic workouts, which require you to move in multiple directions. This type of ab workout is great for improving balance and stability, as well as developing strength in your core and abdominal muscles.
  • Finally, kettlebell workouts can also help you burn calories and belly fat more than regular bodyweight exercises would. The heavier weight of the kettlebell allows for a greater challenge, resulting in an increased caloric expenditure during your workout.
  • Generally more versatile than dumbbells and incorporates well into functional resistance training and complex exercises like kettlebell swings.

Precautions to Take During Kettlebell Workouts

Before beginning any workout routine, it is important to take certain precautions. First and foremost, it is essential to maintain proper form throughout all ab exercises in order to avoid any injuries. Make sure to keep your core muscles tight, and use lighter kettlebell weights until you are comfortable with the movements, as performing them incorrectly can lead to serious injuries. Core stability plays a very important role in your movements and results.

It is also important to start with a warm-up before beginning any kettlebell ab workout. Taking the time to warm up your body helps get it ready for more intense kettlebell training exercises and prevents injuries from occurring.

Finally, be sure to stay hydrated throughout your workout as you will be using lots of energy during kettlebell training. Taking breaks between sets can also help to replenish your energy levels and ensure that you are ready for the next set.

Safety should always come first when it comes to any exercise. Taking the proper precautions and using the right form can help you get the most out of your workout without putting yourself at risk of injury.

Core Muscles Worked in Kettlebell Ab Workouts

Kettlebell workouts are a great way to target and strengthen the entire core muscles that form the foundation of your body. These workouts can work multiple muscles, such as your top and lower abs, internal and external obliques, lower back, and hip flexors. By focusing on these core muscles, you will be able to develop a strong and stable base for the rest of your body. Plus, kettlebells can offer a more effective and efficient way to build your abs than by performing crunches or the plank position. heavy kettlebell

Why are Kettlebells Better for Building Abs Than Crunches or the Plank?

Kettlebells are better for building abs than crunches or the plank because they allow you to move in multiple directions, adding both challenge and dynamics to your ab workout routine. By using the weight of the kettlebells you can increase resistance, intensity, and movement range, which can all lead to improved core strength and stability. Additionally, kettlebells help keep your body properly aligned during your ab exercises, helping to improve posture and coordination.

Final Words

Kettlebell workouts are one of the best ways to build ab strength and increase general fitness. Whether you're a novice or an experienced exerciser, there are many kettlebell ab exercises suitable for different skill levels and needs. By incorporating them into your regular routine, you can take your ab workouts to the next level and become stronger than you ever dreamed. Now that you know you can perform kettlebell ab and core workouts easily in one place with minimum equipment, what are you waiting for?


Erbes, D.A., 2012. The effect of kettlebell training on body composition, flexibility, balance, and core strength (Doctoral dissertation).

Leatherwood, M.D., Whittaker, A. and Esco, M.R., 2014. Exercise technique: The Turkish get-up with a kettlebell. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 36(6), pp.107-110.


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