How to Add Minerals Back to Reverse Osmosis Filtered Water

Many health professionals recommend we drink eight full glasses of water every day. Where that water comes from may make a big difference in its effectiveness.

With so many options on the market, the difficulty lies in not how to obtain the proper amounts of water, but where that water is coming from. One also should have a good understanding of what processes the water has undergone to deliver on purity standards. Distilled, mineral, and purified or filtered water is, in theory, better for us than straight tap water.

However, it does not go without notice in Reverse Osmosis purified water that many beneficial minerals are being destroyed. With 99% of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) removed during the purification process, this is bound to occur. These include elements like magnesium and calcium, which are essential for healthy bones, nerves, muscles, and metabolic reactions.

Great... So you've gone through the whole rigmarole of making your water healthier to drink. Now, you learn you are actually losing essential minerals when you protect yourself from harmful ones. Fortunately, you have options to add minerals back to Reverse Osmosis filtered water!

Essential Mineral Intake

As mentioned above, minerals such as calcium and magnesium, are essential building blocks for a healthy body. Other minerals filtered out of your water are zinc, iodine, copper, phosphorus, and chloride. However, these minerals from water make up only less than 5 percent of your daily total intake needs.

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Calcium and magnesium from water make up a whopping 20 percent of your total daily intake requirements. While this may seem like a significant number, especially when considering that amount multiplied over time, there is a solution to avert this issue.

In an effort to retain the important minerals water provides you can add minerals to water again. This is done after the purification process has been completed. There are a few ways you can remineralize Reverse Osmosis water.

Before we get into those methods, it is beneficial to more thoroughly understand exactly what calcium and magnesium are... and why they are so important to attaining a healthy body.


Calcium accounts for 1.5 to 2 percent of our total body weight. Most of this is stored in the bones of our skeletal system. It also provides the regulation of hormones and enzymes. It is also an important variable in other functions as well, such as blood clotting, muscular and vascular contractions, and nerve transmissions.

Hypocalcemia, or Calcium Deficiency Disease,  typically presents with no symptoms. However, those with serious cases of severe Calcium Deficiency Disease may experience muscle cramps, tingling in the lips and fingers, and even confusion, among a few other more serious symptoms.  Long-term calcium deficiency may result in weaker, more fragile bones thus leading to many more potential breaks and fractures.

The World Health Organization suggests an optimal level of about 40-80 milligrams of calcium per 1 liter (with a minimum of 20 milligrams per 1 liter) in your drinking water to reach your highest health potential in this regard.


This is the fourth most prevalent mineral found in the body. It is also the second most abundant intracellular cation. It may come as no shock to learn Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in our bodies.

Magnesium is fundamental for the control of strong muscle contractions, insulin digestion, heart sensitivity, vasomotor tone, blood pressure, neuromuscular conduction, and nerve transmissions. This mineral is also incredibly essential to healthy bones.

The World Health Organization has discussed the possibility of insufficient magnesium being a factor in hypertension and Type II Diabetes. A severe lack of magnesium has been related to an increased risk of cardiovascular issues. The lowest measure of dissolvable magnesium prescribed in drinking water is 10 milligrams per 1 liter, with the ideal sum being 20-30 milligrams per 1 liter of water.

Remineralized Water vs. Alkaline Water

In case you have been investigating the possibility of buying of a RO system for your home, you've likely experienced the use of terms such as Remineralized Water and Alkaline Water. From a straight scientific point of view, these terms are regularly misunderstood and misused. The perplexing situations they generate can be disappointing for property holders who simply need to make sense of which RO framework to purchase.

Remineralized Water

Remineralized Water will be water that has had some mineral substance reintroduced back into it. The reverse osmosis process is non-specific. It expels the 'great' stuff like calcium, and magnesium, alongside the 'terrible' stuff like pesticides, substantial metals, and pharmaceuticals.

The procedure of remineralizing the water includes adding back those 'great' nutrients. This is normally achieved utilizing a post-filter, drops, or cartridge which contains some type of calcium or magnesium. The most well-known substances utilized are Calcite (calcium carbonate) and Corosex (a magnesium compound).

A few products utilize a mix of both. Calcite remineralizes will bring about a neutral pH level (about 7.0,) while Corosex will raise the pH level to over 7. Any fluid with a pH more noteworthy than 7 is alluded to as a 'base' in spite of the fact that the term alkaline is more common.

Glass of Water
Glass of Water

Alkaline Water

Alkaline Water is a term that, in itself, needs some clarification. It is frequently traded in mainstream media with the term basic. The scientific definition for basic water determines that it is any arrangement that has a pH more noteworthy than 7.

Alkalinity is the corrosive neutralizing capacity of any solution. Anything with a basic pH level along with low alkalinity can have the pH modified with just a little measure of acid added. A solution with a basic pH level and high alkalinity can assimilate a higher measure of acidic material before the pH levels of the arrangement will descend downwards.

The health and well-being benefits of drinking basic pH water and, additionally, alkaline water, are not irrevocably confirmed by mainstream scientists and researchers. What has been noted, is that a few people have discovered switching to RO water, which has been remineralized, to be more delicious.

On the off chance that you are interested to know how remineralized versus non-remineralized RO water tastes, have a taste of Dasani water, and after that have a taste of Aquafina. Both are delivered through the RO procedure. Dasani has some mineral substances included back in and Aquafina does not. If you want to remineralize your own RO water, look into the options discussed in this article.


How to Remineralize Your Drinking Water

The least complex approach to remineralizing your drinking water is to re-introduce the lost minerals to it.

There are many adequate approaches to this procedure. By the conclusion of this article, you will be prepared and sufficiently educated to oversee and get these essential minerals back into your drinking water.

Now and then, we don't just need the most effortless approach to remineralizing reverse osmosis water. We likewise need to know the least expensive and most cost-productive approach to do it. Therein lies the benefits of the utilization of mineral-rich salts.

A well-known example of a mineral-rich salt is the widely used Himalayan salt. You can effectively use Himalayan salt to filter your drinking water and it works comparably to other methods. This salt contains distinctive trace components, which are enough to remineralize RO water.

Then again, recall that you can't simply utilize just any random salt, and this includes table salt. Made out of sodium and chloride, this type of salt won't work to add minerals to the water.

The mixtures in greens blends are obtained from a variety of vegetables, herbs, grasses, and other natural elements. Many also contain minerals, fiber, and other essential vitamins and nutrients. They are infamously not the most delectable way to obtain the preferred amount of nutrients. Regardless, it gives an immediate, all-encompassing method to remineralize RO water.

Sadly, these products are generally fairly expensive, and, as such, are not conducive to a sustainable lifestyle choice for those on a budget. When speaking in terms of healthy sustainability, mineral drops, and cartridges provide an all-encompassing answer.

Mineral Drops

Many Reverse Osmosis Systems these days have a previously installed alkalization method. In the event that your filtration system does not have this element, you can include this without a lot of issues.

You can begin by researching and hunting down minerals that are of food-grade quality. As a rule, these minerals can last up to six months to a year prior to you having to supplant them.

Alkalizing will also depend on how much water your family typically consumes. The number of minerals you will purchase should be based on the measure of water utilization in your home. It is additionally prevalent to understand that water flow rate, temperature, and pH level can all influence the number of minerals that are reintroduced into your drinking water.

For balancing your pH, mineral drops will supply fundamental soluble minerals (Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, and Zinc) as an odorless, colorless, and tasteless drop which can be added to remineralize your reverse osmosis water. You can expand the pH dimension of your drinking water to 9.5+ by adding simply 3~4 drops to a glass of water (8 oz ~ 10 oz).

The soluble minerals are not just made for balancing acidic and alkaline variables. They also will enhance your immune system. Keeping your pH in parity using natural substances is the key to healthy beverages. For example, mineral drops may reintroduce potassium bicarbonate, potassium lactate, potassium citrate and Selenium, and other trace minerals to your drinking water. A portion of their uses incorporates mending wounds, helping the skeletal framework grow appropriately, and ensuring the health and safety of cellular membranes.

[amazon bestseller="Mineral Drops" items="3" template="list"]

Alkaline Filtered Water Pitcher

An alkaline water pitcher is a basic method to begin encountering the advantages of pH-balanced drinking water. In the event that you have just introduced an alkaline water filtration device in your home, the alkaline-filtered water pitcher is incredibly versatile. This means you won't have to pass up the advantages while working or in the midst of some recreation. You can't actually pack up your alkaline water machine and take it with you, now can you?

The exact structure is exactly what you might expect. It is a water filter that sits atop your water pitcher for simple utilization. It will offer an easy method to make alkaline filtered water for your regular or infrequent needs. Examples include keeping it alongside the coffee pot or to keep in the fridge for chilled water on demand.

This drip filter framework will enable you to add the water to the top of the pitcher. Then, it will gradually deplete through the filter and deliver incredible-tasting water. The alkaline water pitcher will likewise raise the Ph balance of your water by up to 2 levels. This makes it a potentially indispensable resource to remineralize reverse osmosis water.

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Mineral Cartridges

A mineralization cartridge sits between the water holding tank and the fixture (faucet). It is comprised of naturally occurring minerals that were recently taken from the water. This guarantees the water is impeccable the minute it leaves your tap.

Not having the capacity to separate between the great and awful particles is the fundamental issue with RO frameworks. They will, in general, expel everything, including the beneficial nutrients. What we have to do is make use of remineralization methods once it has gone through the RO layer.

Reintroducing Magnesium and Calcium in the healthiest amounts settles the issue. Here, the job of a mineral cartridge comes in, as it delivers the following functions:

1. Acts toward the post-filtration treatment of water

2. It assists in expelling the 'bad' components present in the water, while at the same time, keeping a balanced PH equalization.

3. Helps in keeping up the acid-antacid(alkaline) parity in the water.

Mineral cartridges, electrolyte mixes, or trace mineral drops are simple methods to rapidly include minerals like copper, manganese, selenium, calcium, and magnesium back into your drinking water. These mixes aren't excessively costly and are accessible at many well-stocked grocery stores. In any case, it pays to be careful, as some mixes have a more concentrated and unbalanced mineral combination than others.

Mineral Cartridge Options

If you don't yet have a RO framework, you'll need to look for one that has simple access to the carbon post filter. At that point, you will have a plethora of various filter mineral cartridges. These can be swapped out for the standard inline carbon filters. Here are a couple of choices:

  1. Calcite + Carbon:
  2. Pentek GS-10CAL/RO
  3. Omnipure K2551CALCC-BB
  4. Calcite + Corosex:
  5. K2550-C/C-JJ
  6. K2551-C/C-BB

When you're choosing a filter cartridge, ensure that you pick one which has the proper ends. A few cartridges have strung female connectors while others have snap-in-place fittings which will take a plastic tube.

[amazon bestseller="Drinking Water Mineralization Cartridge" items="3" template="list"]

Systems that Remineralize: NU Aqua Platinum Series 6 Stage Alkaline 100GPD RO System

Some Reverse Osmosis systems can remineralize the water for you. The NU Aqua Platinum Series 6 Stage Alkaline 100GPD RO System has an extra stage that will run the water through the NU Aqua Alkaline Filter that features a 5-Stages of remineralization.

The Alkaline filter uses ORP Balls, Calcite, Maifan, Tourmaline, and BioCeramic to take the water to the next level. The result is not only water that tastes better but water that increases antioxidants and natural minerals.

As previously discussed, adding back the minerals taken out by the RO process is critical. The 6 stage process that includes remineralization is depicted as follows:

All of the systems come with the "Love Your Water Guarantee". It's a 100% Risk-Free 120-Day Home Trial. Essentially whoever purchases a system can try it for a full 120 days, if they don't absolutely love the NU Aqua Water Filter System, they can send their system back for a 100% full refund! No strings attached.

You can purchase the NU Aqua Platinum Series 6 Stage Alkaline 100GPD RO System directly from the NU Aqua site.

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Utilizing Reverse Osmosis water isn't awful in any way. Regardless of whether minerals are lost during the process, there are still methods you can put into place to correct the situation. The many simple tips to remineralize reverse osmosis water which are introduced above are only a portion of the things you can do.

Keep in mind, on the off chance that you need the least expensive and cost-effective choice, you may benefit most from the utilization of mineral drops or mineral cartridges.

It is eventually up to you to choose which alternative is the best one. Rely upon your inclinations and way of life. Simply make certain that you are continuing to meet the everyday water intake suggestion and you are ready. You now know plenty about the key purposes of demineralization and have likewise figured out how to include minerals, once again, into RO water.

On the off chance that remineralization is imperative to you, there are quite a few conceivable arrangements you can look over, including, but certainly not limited to mineral drops and cartridges.

You shouldn't depend on your water to give you all of the minerals you require. However, you shouldn't strip your water of all minerals either. Permitting minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium to return to your cleaned water, enhances its taste and can have the additional advantage of likewise enhancing your wellbeing. Using mineral cartridges and mineral drops is sure to drastically enhance the quality of your drinking water.


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