Get ready to flaunt toned muscles with this incredible upper body kettlebell workout!

Many people believe that all you can train with kettlebells is power moves or leg muscles… Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, kettlebells can be an ideal aid for developing strong and well-defined upper-body muscles.

Upper body workout using kettlebells

The below workout is aimed at targeting the upper body muscles, such as the biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and back. However, the abdominal muscles will also be targeted as some lifting movements also entail the engagement of the core.

To achieve the best results, perform this workout a minimum of twice per week. 

Standing Triceps Extensions


  • Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart while holding a kettlebell from the handle using both hands 

  • Extend the arms above your head to lift the kettlebell above your head

  • Bend the elbows to lower the kettlebell behind your head (make sure to keep your wrist straight to get max results and prevent the risk of injury)

  • Extend the arms to get back into the starting position. This is one repetition. 

Reps and Sets

Perform 10-12 reps for 4 sets

Back Rows


  • Stand upright holding a kettlebell from the handle with each hand 

  • Hinge at the hips to lean the torso forward, until it is parallel to the floor

  • Extend the arms down, in line with the shoulders

  • Bend the elbows back to lift the kettlebells to the waist and contract the lats

  • Gently extend the arms down to get back into the starting position. This is one repetition

Reps and Sets

Perform 10-12 reps for 4 sets

Floor Chest Press


  • Lie down on the floor, with your knees bent and the feet flat on the ground, while holding a kettlebell from the handle with each hand

  • Place the kettlebells next to your shoulders, with the palms facing forward

  • Extend the elbows to lift the kettlebells up, until the arms are perpendicular to your chest

  • Gently bend the elbows to lower the kettlebells and return to the starting position. This is one repetition

Reps and Sets

Perform 8-10 reps for 5 sets

Shoulder Presses


  • Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart whilst holding a kettlebell in each hand

  • Move the kettlebells next to your shoulders, with the palms facing forward 

  • Extend the elbows to lift the kettlebells above your head, keeping them in line with the shoulder joints

  • Bend the elbows to gently lower the weights down to the starting position. This is one repetition

Reps and Sets

Perform 10-12 reps for 4 sets

Double-Handed Upright Rows


  • Stand upright holding a kettlebell from the handle with each hand

  • Extend the arms down to move the kettlebells in front of your thighs

  • Lift the elbows to the sides while bending them, until they are in line with the shoulders and the kettlebells below your chin

  • Extend the arms down to lower the kettlebells to the starting position. This is one repetition

Reps and Sets


The kettlebell halo exercise should be performed smoothly with no breaks in between, therefore the steps explained below should all be performed swiftly once you get used to the full body movement.


  • Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart whilst holding a single kettlebell bottoms-up at chest height. The elbows should be bent and the hands should be placed on the external sides of the handle

  • Lift the kettlebell to your right ear with the bottom facing back

  • Keeping the arms close to your head and the elbows bent at roughly 90 degrees, move the kettlebell behind your head, with the handle facing up

  • Move the arms around your head next to your left ear, with the handle of the kettlebell facing forward

  • Reposition the kettlebell in front of you at chest height. Repeat in the opposite direction to complete one repetition

Reps and Sets

Perform 8-10 reps for 4 sets

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